Roland MC909 and Artwonk realtime control widgets
Self generative Artwonk random walk module fires random notes on the
Roland MC909 with analogue Monotrons used as well for audio input via
velocity pads on the MC909. The random note patterns can also so be
altered and controlled using widgets and buttons set up on Artwonk as
seen in this video, to create some unusual and strange sounds and note
patterns in realtime. It loosens up the standard tight sequencing
patterns of a normal sequencer that usually obeys commands from the
composer. It allows interesting freedom from constraint. This setup can
be infinitely expanded (at least as far as the CPU can handle the
Artwonk modules) and is a powerful modular programme used together the
MC909. In fact the developer of Artwonk, John Dunn had analogue modular
synthesis in mind when building Artwonk over a 30 year period by basing
his ideas on the modular synthesiser. The programme is free to download
now, but originally had a couple of hundred quid price tag when it first
came out, but sadly due to John's deteriorating eyesight, he stated he
was unable to further develop the software and thus he simply decided to
give it away at no cost. Whether or not it will ever be developed
further down the line is still not known, but it's certainly an
interesting and powerful program especially when also used with graphics
and hardware synths.